

From the Japanese ikiru (“to live”), and kai (“the realization of what one hopes for”)


What’s Ikigai?


In 2017 I stumbled upon an article from the World Economic Forum called
Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life?“.
I agree, it feels a bit like a clickbait title. But the article made sense, and for my next Personal Development Plan at work, I thought it would be pretty cool to try and really fill in the parts of the Ikigai Venn Diagram. What do I love? What am I good at? What can I get paid for? And what does the world need?

While I was in a pretty good place already, I spent my time slightly left of the middle. So both in my day-to-day job as well as side projects, I’ve steered more towards the Ikigai center, and towards what I believe the world needs. As this process and the outcome have been extremely rewarding for me personally I wanted to help anyone to do the same type of soul-searching.

So, enough read. Go take a look at the slides, make a copy, fill it in, and live it.

Oh, and if you find this exercise valuable,
please consider a small donation to keep this website online :)


Thanks a million!
